Evil is the other genetic half of your lights in the world as you fight to keep their light--your babies that you pushed out of your body many years hence. Perhaps, because that other part that is mere shell doesn't understand how a mother loves, no matter what. That other part didn't have her--a mother long enough to attach, so He only gets the detachment part. Oh, what a loss.
Evil is the always lying, to keep delusions intact such that one is not causing, nor ever will cause massive pain to one's own offspring and to other peoples on the planet. Perhaps, because everyone is just a pawn on a chessboard.
Evil is a conversation on the phone designed to sabotage sanity in your ex. Where one only cares about destruction and chaos. Where one doesn't care about outcome, other than that it thwart things and people and healing. One that only cares about inducing harm.
Evil is the opposite of the first principle of medicine. First do no Harm. Evil is first and foremost, only care about destroying, causing pain, wielding a sword, even if it causes terrible things to happen to the people you think you might care about. Cause evil trumps people you care about any day.
Evil is stepping into living without meaning and kindness and healing of any sort.
Evil is knowing only the dark side of the moon. Evil is inducing in others, in people who loved you, in those who would have done anything for you the wish that somehow, you'd never, ever met. Evil is in the lie, thus I know.